The European Workshop in Drug Design 2024 (EWDD24) is organised by
Dipartimento Biotecnologie, Chimica e Farmacia
Università degli Studi di Siena
via Aldo Moro 2
53100 Siena (SI) – Italy
supported by
Software-Entwicklungs und Consulting GmbH
Clemens Maria Hofbauer-Gasse 6
2344 Maria Enzersdorf – Austria
Organising Committee
MORI, Mattia – University of Siena
TAFI, Andrea – University of Siena
CIACO, Stefano – University of Siena
ARONNE, Rossella – University of Siena
CUTARELLA, Luigi – University of Siena
FIABANE, Martina – University of Siena
MESSANO, Nicolò – University of Siena
TRIPALDI, Carlotta – University of Siena
LANGER, Thierry – University of Vienna
MANZANO, Enrique – Inte:Ligand
KÜHN, Kevin – Inte:Ligand
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Certosa di Pontignano is an official conference center of the University of Siena. All images of the venue have been taken from their website. Copyright © 2023 SO.GES. srl.
A very special thanks goes to Dr Alessandro Barbieri, PhD, who provided us with the cover artwork.
The text provided on the EWDD24 homepage has been reviewed with great care. However, EWDD24 and its organising committee cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or validity of the information provided. Therefore EWDD24 accepts no liability for the contents provided.
Links to other websites have been carefully selected. However, EWDD24 is not responsible for contents on any other websites.